Great Inventions
Escrito por Elena Martínez, lunes 25 de febrero de 2013 , 16:52 hs

En 4º ESO estos días hemos estado hablando sobre inventos English. What do you think about these two great inventions? 

Books, everyone thinks that books are boring, but I think that they are an amazing invention in history. In my opinion, there are books that we like (for example: fantasy, mystery, love, adventures...) and books that we don´t like (for example: school books...ha,ha!).

If you read different types of books, you will feel different sensations. With a book, you can dream that you are in a fantasy world with Peter Pan, you can love a girl or a boy that are perfect, you can be frightened because a murderer kills people in a city, or you can feel like Indiana Jones in his adventures. So, reading is amazing. But, if you only read class books,you would be bored, because you must study them...

If no one had invented books, we and the world would have been different.     

Sandra Yugueros Rodríguez



 My favourite invention the bed. Why? Because it is very comfortable, and when you are sleepy, you can go to your bed to sleep and to rest.

I hate getting up early. If it is summer, I will sleep a lot. I love my bed. "She" knows when I am sad or happy. If I could, I would carry my bed with me everywhere. My bed is very big, very comfortable and blue. It is always full of cushions. Oh, I forgot! I have two beds, but I only use one because it is the biggest and most comfortable. I´d like to have my bed floating in the air...

If nobody had invented the bed, I would have invented it! Lucía Fernández Sierra

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