El día 18 de noviembre, los alumnos de 2º, 3º y 4º ESO y 1º Bach asistieron a la representación de la obra de teatro en inglés: Sleepy Hollow, del escritor romántico estadounidense Washington Irving.
A continuación podéis leer un breve resumen del día escrito por Marcos del Río y David Valbuena, de 2º ESO:
Last Friday 18th November we went to León to see Sleepy Hollow. There was a theatre play. It was about a headless horseman chopping off heads and Constable Ichabod Crane was called in to investigate the crimes. The constable killed the headless horseman and saved Katrina´s life. It was so funny!
Then we went to the shopping centre and we bought a lot of sweets.
When we arrived to Boñar, we were surprised with the fire alarm...and finally we went to our home.